Sunday 20 October 2013

HDInsight Installation on Windows Platform

First Install Windows 8 then after install the HDInsight. HDInsight installer is powered by Microsoft Web Platform Installer. To download it you can use the following link:

After installing Microsoft WPI (Web Platform installer), run it with administrator privileges.
Search Hadoop in the search box. It will locate the HDInsight preview service installer for windows.

Click add to add installer to Microsoft WPI installation cart.

Accept the license and click install and wait for WPI to do the installation for you.

The installer also includes the hadoop package and IIS components.

Verifications of HDInsight Installation Success:

Four shortcuts will be created on the desktop, when the installer is finished.

Double-click on the Hadoop Command Line icon on the desktop. It should open to the C:\Hadoop\hadoop-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT> prompt. Type cd .. to navigate to the Hadoop directory and type dir to see what it contains. It should have the items shown below.

Double Click on the Microsoft HDInsight Dashboard icon on the desktop to open the local dashboard that provides the starting point for using the Developer Preview. This takes you to the Your Clusters dashboard.

Click on the local (hdfs) tile to open the main HDInsight dashboard.

There are six green tiles on the HDInsight Dashboard:

Getting Started: Links to hello world tutorial, training, support forums, feature voting channels, release notes, .NET SDK for Hadoop, and related links for HDInsight and Hadoop.

Interactive Console: The interactive console provided by Microsoft to simplify configuring and running Hadoop jobs and interacting with the deployed clusters. This simplified approach using JavaScript and Hive consoles enables IT professionals and a wider group of developers to deal with big data management and analysis by providing an accessible path into the Hadoop framework.

Remote Desktop: Remote into your HDFS cluster.

Job History: Records the jobs that have been run on your cluster.

Downloads: Downloads for Hive ODBC driver and Hive Add-in for Excel that enable Hadoop integration with Microsoft BI Solutions. Connect Excel to the Hive data warehouse framework in the Hadoop cluster via the Hive ODBC driver to access and view data in the cluster.

Documentation: Links to the Windows Azure HDInsight Service documentation, most of which is also valid for the HDInsight Server Developer Preview.

There are also three purple tiles that link to tools for authoring and submitting jobs from the dashboard, which are discussed in the next section.

Create Map Reduce Jobs: Takes you to a UI for specifying Map Reduce jobs and the cluster on which you are submitting them to run.

Create Hive Jobs: Takes you to the interactive Hive Console from which HiveQL, a dialect of SQL, can be used to query data stored in you HDFS cluster. Hive is for analysts with strong SQL skills providing an SQL-like interface and a relational data model. Hive uses a language called HiveQL; a dialect of SQL.

Deploy Samples: Takes you to the gallery of samples that ship with the HDInsight DInsight Server Developer Preview. This is a set of sample jobs that you can run to quickly and easily get started with HDInsight.


After you have created your cluster, click on the Deploy Samples tile in the main dashboard to see the four samples that ship in the Hadoop Sample Gallery.

To run one of these samples, simply click on the tile, follow any instructions provided on the particular sample page, and click on the Deploy to your Cluster button. The simplest example is provided by the WordCount sample. Note that the relevant java and jar files are provided for each sample and can be downloaded and opened for inspection.

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